
Bubbles Kandhari-Why

Why? by Bubbles Kandhari

Why can there not be just love and no hate?

Why is frustration everybody’s fate?

Why is there a clamour for money?

Why is there a desire for more?

Why are there these jealousies?

Why don’t all of this we outgrow?

Why the bitterness? Why the sarcasm?

Why the violence? Why the schism?

Why an eye on another’s green?

And wish all this is only our scene?

Why can we not be happy and content?

Why are we often sore and disgruntled?

Why not be happy at others success?

And bring out the goodness we do possess

Why cannot everyone live in peace?

And let not malice have its feast.

Why not be in love and live in harmony?

And listen to His wonderful symphony?

We breathe the same air

We live on Mother Earth

Then why for each other we do not care?

And why of love there is so much dearth?

We all have to go...where? No one can find

So why not leave some goodness behind?

Leave all the violence, shed all the hatred

Love your fellowmen, have not their trust betrayed

When love and peace will prevail

And magnanimity survives

That is when truth we will hail

That is when brotherhood will thrive.

Work for this goal we all should

To the occasion we all should rise

And if all these things we could and would

This world becomes a paradise.



