To My Grandchildren

To My Grandchildren by Bubbles Kandhari

To My Grandchildren by Bubbles Kandhari

When you my three little grandsons came with me to stay

We had lots of fun and games to play

Full of smiles and all the rush

Endless questions and hair to brush

Lots of laughter, lots of games

Little pranks, funny names.

A day with grandkids restores the soul

Energizes the mind and body on the whole

It gives me immense pleasure when you all sit beside me

Hope as I get older you will sometimes keep me company

You know I love you all, more with each passing day

To spoil you is also showing you love my way.

Let me love you a little more

Before you are not little anymore

I used to hold your Dad; kiss and hug him too

The same way as today he does to you

He could not remain a baby; he had to grow up

So God created you beautiful grandkids to fill the great gap.

I treasure the special bond we have between us

The love we share and the secrets we discuss

How lonely my world would be without you

You will and should never have a clue

All I can say that to the moon and back

Is how much I love you.

Children of my child

Full of fun and little wild

Nostalgic to see my little son in you again

Memories of his childhood all then just begin

Your smiles bridge the years between us

Feel young again discovering the world through

your eyes as such.

I visualize the future in you

You will learn from me of the past

In the present let us love one another

As long as these times last.

There are times when some grandkids we cannot meet

Seeing them would then be a God-sent treat

Would long to give them all a loving hug

The one that feels so warm and snug

A prayer for all my grandkids will be on my lips always

Whether we meet or have to part ways.

I thank the good Lord for blessing my sons

With children for whom my love is in abundance

I pray you watch over and protect them day and night

Give them the courage to stand for what is right

Then when I am gone, here no more

Remind them my love for them is forever and ever more.




A Prodigal Son