A Prodigal Son

A Prodigal Son by Bubbles Kandhari

A Prodigal Son by Bubbles Kandhari

You are born out of me

Yet today not a part of me

What happened down the journey of life

Is beyond be; to understand I still strive

Thought I raised a fine young lad

Engrained good values and education that could be had.

Where did I fail I can’t comprehend

What I had in mind is not what I see of you in the end

What damage you are doing I wonder if you know

To yourself and the family who loved you so.

You are blinded by some people and cannot see beyond

Open your eyes to see what is going on

You are being enveloped by lies and hate

Those that feed these will meet their own fate.

I sometimes wonder if you are so ill

‘Cause no one can do this of their own free will

The damage you are doing is almost beyond repair

Hurting your parents too – is it really fair.

Wake up before, for you it is too late

Or then open your eyes to an empty plate

No one then may be there to hold your hand

Wipe your tear and pull you from the sinking sand.

I pray fervently to the Lord to make you see sense

And remove from your confused mind misconceptions so dense

God, please help him come out of the world of ego, lies and hate

So that disaster does not eventually become his fate.

Son, I may not live to see the realization dawn on you

But will still pray that God forgives you

In my dying moments too I will still hope and pray

That someday God shows you the light of the day!


To My Grandchildren


My Grown Up Child