My Grown Up Child

My Grown Up Child by Bubbles Kandhari

My Grown Up Child by Bubbles Kandhari

It seems only yesterday

That you were a babe in my arms

My very special toy, a cute little bundle of joy

Oblivious to the world, gentle and mild

But today you are a grown up young man, my child.

Cries and wails, screams and fears

All still clearly ring in my ears

The tantrums you threw for things you could not find

Those and much more are still fresh in my mind.

The little pranks you played

The pleasure in the pain you gave

Sometimes those naughty impish smiles

Next the tempers went really wild

And today you are a grown-up young man, my child.

You have now come of age

So, your freedom we can no longer cage

Into the beautiful blue skies you would like to fly

Fearless and free, by the fates profiled

For today you are a grown-up young man, my child.

With pride and joy we will see

You take your first step to success

Your dreams fulfilled and doubts laid to rest

Son, it has been wonderful

Sharing your dreams and watching you grow.

Feeling such pride in your accomplishments and more

With zeal and zest, never to be beguiled

For today you are a grown-up young man, my child.

Today on this very special day

With love, I wish you and fervently pray

That all the things you hope for

And all the things you do

May very special happiness be waiting for you

May God always bless you and have you in his care

May he fulfill every wish and answer every prayer.

The beautiful memories of your childhood

I will always love and treasure

The joy of which is beyond any measure

To the world today you may be “grown-up”

Perhaps smart and even clever

But to me you will always be my “little child” forever.


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