My Darling Son Jasjeev

My Darling Son Jasjeev by Bubbles Kandhari

My Darling Son Jasjeev by Bubbles Kandhari

Twenty-one years ago on this day

You came into this world my son

Bringing with you the joy and ecstasy

Which only parents are privileged to enjoy

With the arrival of their first bundle of joy.

Your birthday brings

So many sentimental thoughts

To mind-like what a pleasure it has been

To watch you grow into

The kind and thoughtful person you are.

There’s a special kind of beauty

Deep inside the heart of you

Because the precious love of God

Is such a part of you

The things you do and say

All show His kind and loving touch

That is why a son like you will always mean so much.

From the moment you were born

I felt such happiness in knowing

I had brought someone wonderful into this world

For this to dear God I am grateful beyond measure

To have been given the gift of this priceless jewel – such a treasure.

From adolescence to adulthood, you have progressed

With visions of the future and all that is best

Dreams and ambitions play now a great role

With zeal and enthusiasm you work for your goal.

You are now ready to unfold your wings

To fly into the beautiful blue skies

Our love would not bind you

Nor our needs hold you

For you live in the house of tomorrow.

You are the arrow that has to fly

May we be the bow that is stable

May we remain the strength you rely

Even when old, frail and feeble.

May God bless you, with everything he deems best

Honesty, Generosity, Success, Happiness and the rest

May you retain the child-like innocence

With freshness of dew-drops and the flowers’ fragrance.

Thinking of you lovingly

As this big day appears

Thinking too of all the joy

You have brought throughout the years

Hoping your most special dreams

Will one and all come true

And there will be lots of happiness

With all of God’s blessings over you.


My Grown Up Child


Tuhi Tuhi (Bonus)