When We Met

When We Met by Bubbles Kandhari

When We Met by Bubbles Kandhari

This is a very special day in May

As fifty years ago we met today

Eighteen year old girl and twenty-one was the boy

Set eyes on each other a little hesitant and a bit shy.

It was our engagement day

Which probably means “We may”

The day was exciting and eventful

A new relationship that would be beautiful.

When he put the ring on my finger

Butterflies in my tummy, as I looked up in wonder.

He was calm, composed and smiling

Is this the man I will be marrying

Thousands of doubts did enter my mind

Not too strong then for faith in His design.

This period lasted a whole year

As I had to graduate and that was clear.

We were to be married following year in May

Till then roses and phone calls were there everyday.

A beautiful courtship period it was

Where telephone and airline bills just soared

As we look back today on this golden day

We say “Thank you God for your wonderful way”.


Suave, Smart, Sexy 60!

