The Wicked

The Wicked by Bubbles Kandhari

The Wicked by Bubbles Kandhari

Do the wicked realize their deeds

The pain and anguish they cause

Do they realize that all this leads

To nothing but their downfall.

They have all the reason

To justify every action

They do not think it is wrong

Not even for a fraction.

They are cunning and conniving

They scheme and they plot

Nothing you can do

To make them stop.

They will lie through their teeth

To get what they need

They do all the wrongs with a straight face

And will not care about any disgrace.

They will use any means

To achieve their desire

Their actions then are akin

To those of a vampire.

Evil within is reflected outside

Hardcore faces have cruelty inside

The end for these people is really bad

The plight of theirs is now so sad.

It is then too late to help them out

They may even cry or shout

Heaven and hell is here on this earth

Nothing is left for birth or rebirth.

Wicked exist in the world they say

Is the price that goodness has to pay

For if only good remain to stay

Who would appreciate goodness today.

Hence the wicked, wild and their “wonderful” ways

Are what some people still choose to adopt these days.


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