Letter to the Lord

Letter to the Lord by Bubbles Kandhari

Letter to the Lord by Bubbles Kandhari

Dear Lord

Salutations to you – The Eternal, The Merciful

The King of Kings, Master of every destiny.

I love you with all my heart dear Lord

You are the source of love and life dear Lord.

I need you constantly

I miss you deeply.

I love you with great intensity

I want to be in a state of ecstasy.

I want to see you – The invincible

Though I know you are invisible.

For you are the faith of humanity

None can fathom your mystery.

The light of every soul

To see you forever is my goal.

The sweetness of every nectar

Our Lord and protector.

I long to be with you

As the love of all longing is only you.

You are the cause of all unions

Yet I long for our communion.

You are the source of creation companion, existence

To whom the greatest bow in reverence.

Mysterious are your ways

You are beyond time and space.

Forever I see is only you

In my eyes in my words in everything I do.

You the sovereign of three universes or more

Pure and Perfect splendid in your grandeur.

I cannot touch you in form or whole

Yet I can feel your strength in my soul.

You are the Lord of knowledge and wisdom

So tell me who am I from where do I come?

Why have you put me in this cycle of birth rebirth?

What is my purpose on this earth?

As you are the source of all happiness too

Grant me the happiness to be with you.

I long for you to take me in your arms

Or place the mantle on my head

I will know then I am blessed.

Blessed to be your precious one

When my work in this world is done

I will know you are there to hold me then.

Hold my hand and be by my side

Hold my hand and be my guide.

Guide me to the ways of the other world then

Till then my longing for you will never end.

Inspiration from Gurbani ‘‘JaapSahib’’


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