
Relationships Blessings by Bubbles Kandhari

Relationships Blessings by Bubbles Kandhari

Human beings today are complex creatures

Artificial and superficial ways are the main features

A kiss on the cheek, a cold handshake

This is all, no more can they take.

‘‘How are you? From where do you come?’’

More than that they are struck dumb

A polite conversation here and there

After a while look elsewhere.

Dressed in all the glitter and glamour

Who do they think they can enamour

‘‘A smart outfit, beautiful jewellery

You almost look like a fairy!’’

Turn your back the other way

Snide remarks start their day

Compliments have no meaning

Greetings are shallow

Lives are becoming empty and hollow.

Bank balance is now all important

Beauty of the soul is long forgotten

What is your standing, how much you weigh

According to that they slot you today.

Why can we not be more genuine and pure

Why do we forget this is our temporary tenure

Relationships can be warm and caring

Deep understanding and lots of sharing.

Sharing the joys and the gains

Sharing the sorrows and the pains

In this world of today, sincerity needs a great part to play

If we could sincerely share our grief and sorrow

We could help to build a more creative tomorrow.


Forever Friends


Birthday Blessings