Questions Unanswered

Questions Unanswered by Bubbles Kandhari

Questions Unanswered by Bubbles Kandhari

Why are we born on this earth – this planet force?

Why are we created?

When we ultimately merge with the source?

Why are we puppets with strings in His Hands?

To move us how and where He can.

Why is our life pre-ordained?

Why actions by us are by Him determined?

Why does the sun rise when the moon sets?

Why seasons change and winds blow west?

Why the cyclones, why the earthquakes?

Why the pandemic with growing pace?

I am blessed with everything

Though all belongs to Him – I own nothing

I have no cause to criticize or complain

Yet I have this question simple and plain.

What is the reason behind our existence?

Is it simply to enjoy His benevolence?

Why are we in this temporary destination?

Why this exercise is the question?

We work hard and rest a while

But is this all completely futile?

Who then are we and what is our purpose?

Is it only for spiritual discourse?

Why are our lives so varied?

Pleasure and pain both are carried.

Why are some poor and others rich then?

Why are some birds, some animals, others women and men?

What is the story of Karma, birth and re-birth?

These are mysteries of life to unearth.

Each being has a different purpose in life

Each being has a different message to recite

Different theories people propound

Mind, body and soul connection to be found

Disconnect mind and body and the soul will answers find

As you are then free from pains of body and mind.

If this theory is actually true

Then maybe we should meditate more too

Find ourselves deep within us

And get the answers that we must

To reach this stage is not very easy

With the life we lead that is so busy.

Find the time and delve within selves

And what we discover may be answers themselves

May be I am ignorant I do not know

Will some wise man explain me though?

Is this the theory I want to know

Will the Good Lord tell me so?


Inner Thoughts


Old Age