Old Age

Old Age by Bubbles Kandhari

Old Age by Bubbles Kandhari

Old age can also be a lot of fun

To share experiences with the young

To forewarn and forearm us of what lies ahead

To help and guide us through the times we dread

To teach us from the varied experiences

So that we have less grievances.

To tell the young what is at stake

So that we do not make the same mistake

Each grey hair has a story to tell

Each wrinkle has thought to sell.

Then why do some dread this stage of life?

Be it either a husband or a wife.

Why is old age bespectacled and shriveled up?

Hunch back and hard of hearing

Incessant and incoherent chatter

Which has really no bearing.

Why does it seem all sickly and senile?

Everything around to become futile

It has its problems it has its plight

Nothing to which we cannot put up a fight.

Why can we not accept it?

Why is it depressing?

It is simply coming closer to God

That in fact is progressing.

It is a stage to sit and relax

Rocking grandchildren on their backs

Time to enjoy away from the mad race

Knowing the world and its true face.

It is a stage to give into new order

And look for horizons now much broader

Oozing with love and serenity

It is almost near divinity.

Love everyone and live in peace

Enjoy the nature and the breeze

Think of the Lord and pray for everyone

Old age can also be a lot of fun!


Questions Unanswered


Guru Arjun Dev Ji