Love and Peace

Love and Peace by Bubbles Kandhari

Love and peace are two of a kind

Seek one, the other you will always find

Love brings peace and tranquility

Love brings calm and serenity.

Love can crown and love can crucify

Believe in it and it will satisfy

For if you seek love’s peace and love’s pleasure

A drop from this ocean do try to treasure.

Peace within and peace around

Has love in it all tightly bound

Peace is the need in the world of today

To bring progress and joy to stay.

These emotions of a kind

Are today so hard to find

In the mad race they are left way behind

Loss of them is a loss to mankind.

Love with peace as a river they flow

Together they help make the inner-self glow

To hatred and malice they are a great blow

Work with it and we all will grow.

Love everyone and have peace on earth

Of goodness then we will have no dearth

God will smile and bless us all

This also is the New Year’s call.


In Retrospect


A Little Voice