A Little Voice

A Little Voice by Bubbles Kandhari

A Little Voice by Bubbles Kandhari

A little voice housed within

From the window of the heart

Speaks to us all the time

But do we try to hear it?

It tells us of the wrongs and rights

But do we actually listen to it?

It tells us not to hurt a being

But do we care to heed it?

It can solve all our problems

But do we give a chance to it?

It can clear all our doubts

But do we have faith in it?

It reprimands if any wrong we do

But do we try to rectify it?

This voice is drowned in the traffic outside

But we will not want to silence it

If the window is closed, the voice we will not hear

But do you think we will miss it?

Is it a part of God in us

But do we really revere it?

This little voice is the conscience in us

But do we actually remember it?


Love and Peace

