I Miss You So...

I Miss You So... by Bubbles Kandhari

I Miss You So... by Bubbles Kandhari

It is a year today

Since you left us for a higher journey

But I still cannot come to terms

That you are not with me

I miss you so...

I still see you faithfully behind me

Wagging your little tail

Looking at me with complete devotion

Even when you were so frail

I miss you so...

I see you at my bedside

More often on my bed

Licking lovingly sometimes my tears

Now I cry alone instead

I miss you so...

I still hear your little growl

Turn into a shrill bark and angry face

At anyone who came near me

Threatening to take your place

You loved me so...

You were so beautiful, inside-out

Your soulful eyes told me all

Your maaza mango and vanilla soft

The weakness to have it all

You loved it so...

As for trouble you gave me none

Even went away when I was gone

You knew I could not bear

To see you lying all limp there

You loved me so...

I know you have gone to a better world

May you always be happy and smiling there

But when you look down from where you are

Know there will be one heart pining for you always.

I miss you so...

When I bid you farewell

A part of me went with you

I felt I had nowhere to go and nothing to do

But today I feel you with me and you will be in my heart forever.

I love you so...

No-one can even take your place

It was a special bond we shared

Maybe sometime we meet again

In different forms, in different lives

We will recognise this bond and continue from where we left.

Oh Fluffy, I love you so, I miss you so...


Guru Arjun Dev Ji


And Life Goes On