Hope - by Bubbles Kandhari
Friends, dear friends do not despair
All your sorrows we’d like to share
Would like to wipe the tear off that face
And put a smile on every face.
We know the desert and the raging heat
We know staying there is a great feat
We know Shalaan camp and its plight
We know you have put up a brave fight.
What is happening to you is just not fair
We all know and we all care
Good times will come do not despair
From all of it you will get a fair share.
We understand your anxiety
And promise it’s not for long
Soon it will be a bad dream
Forgotten and gone.
So do not lose hope have courage dear friends
For there will be help and it will be God sent
Friends out there we would like to say
You will not stay that way.
God almighty is very kind
He is always there, just look behind
Do not think you will be left there pining
Think, with every cloud there is a silver lining.
Written during the 1st Gulf war