Recipes - by Bubbles Kandhari
The easy way to a man’s heart
Is to make a curry and bake a tart
Like a king you make him feel
Even though he may be a heel.
Dress attractive, be seductive
Be all ears and attentive
Everyone action of his your praise
Even if it is a disgrace.
Put some love notes in his pocket
When he is off on a tour or to office
Be around to applaud his deeds
Always ready to tend to his needs.
Be very considerate and feminine
Even if it may not be genuine
Be very gentle and soft spoken
Even if you are rudely awoken.
Always say “I love you darling”
Even if inside you is burning
Flutter eyelashes and with an innocent face
Do sometimes try to put him in his place.
Create some new ideas for romance
That will surely make him dance
Pamper him to a hilt
So that his affection does not tilt.
Give him gifts on Valentine’s day
Even if he doesn’t really say
His birthdays are always all important
But anniversaries also should not be forgotten.
Wear his favourite perfume
Put on his favourite dress
When he comes from office
Tired and depress.
Take his briefcase from his hand
Even if on the ground with a thud it may land
Keep the house tidy and neat
Even if this job is a great feat.
Dim all the lights and play music soft
Look into his eyes and get him all lost
Make his room warm and inviting
The atmosphere now is charged and exciting.
If the man then turns to snore
Then he actually must be a bore
Show him then your true colours
Put fangs in his ears that should virtually reduce him to tears.
And if all these recipes do not gel
Ask the man to go to hell!