
Giving by Bubbles Kandhari

Giving by Bubbles Kandhari

You hardly give, when material things is what you give

When you give of yourself, is when you actually give.

There are some that give a minuscule

Of the wealth they amass

Their gifts are unwholesome

As for recognition is what they ask.

There are others who have very little

And they give it all

They are the believers in life

Their wealth will never fall.

There are some who give with joy

That joy is their reward

Others give with pain

Their gift is of no accord.

It is so good to give when asked

Even better giving unasked

For why refrain when the season is ours

Spread the wealth of giving like the fragrance of flowers.

Who are the deserving, how can we judge?

Does the tree in our garden, differentiate its shade as such?

How do we pose as “givers”?

We are not even a drop in the rivers.

Blessed are the ones through whom God gives

Chosen are they and through them He lives

On our false egos and pride we just try and thrive

It is but life that gives unto life.

Inspiration from Khalil Gibran


Birthday Blessings

