
Destiny by Bubbles Kandhari

Destiny by Bubbles Kandhari

Said one friend to another ‘‘destiny is what you make yourself’’

Said the other ‘‘destiny is what God wills’’

Said the friend ‘‘as you sow so shall you reap my dear’’

Said the other ‘‘what has to happen will happen, its clear’’

Said the friend ‘‘those who helps themselves, God helps them’’

Said the other ‘‘but when helpless, who comes to help? Only Him’’.

Down the lane they go for a walk

On the way they have this long talk

Along passes a car in the heavy rain

And there darts a dog across the crooked lane

Under the car is crushed, his body

Whom does he belong to? Knows nobody.

He was destined to die this way

The car was the means used that day

Can destiny be what we make ourselves, Oh Lord

But what we make of ourselves is also destined by God.

There is a child, for basic needs he cannot pay

He studies under the street light, comes up the hard way

No one can deny this as now he has all the money

That he has made his own destiny.

We work hard, we do our bit

God on his side will not forget it

Together it works hand in hand

Remove one the other cannot stand

Destiny is in both these hands.


Positive Thinking

