A Dream

A Dream by Bubbles Kandhari

A Dream by Bubbles Kandhari

Yesterday I had a vision of Him

Coming down from the skies above us

The room was shining with His divine light

All around so clear and bright.

I stood there motionless

He put his mantle on my head. He smiled

A smile that would light the entire universe

I asked Him where He came from

He is always around He replied.

In the humming of the birds

In the shuffle of the leaves

In the music of the hymns

In the sunrise and the sunset.

In the tide of the waves

In the drops of the rain

In every church, mosque or temple

In all animals as in every human.

It is only Him and Him alone

Stretch your hand and you will reach Him

Close your eyes and you will see Him

Open the window of your heart and you will find Him.

But then why are His humans fighting

For Him, when it is only Him in different forms?

They do not realize that The Creator of the universe

Cannot be confined to a single house.

He is everywhere, He has no boundaries

Feel Him, see Him, experience Him

Desire to be with Him

“Those with true love and desire for me

Shall always find me anywhere they be”

Saying this he went away

Leaving behind Him a train of light.

So peaceful and serene the thought even today

When oh when will everything be this way.


Romancing with God


Sukhmani – Jewel of Bliss